I’m just a little under two months into my breastfeeding journey – and let me tell ya, a journey is indeed what it is, haha!
Honest mommy moment: Before having Charli & throughout pregnancy, breastfeeding was a thing that I wasn’t sure how I was going to feel about when the time came. I knew that I absolutely wanted to try…but if I’m being honest, it wasn’t something I was super excited about or looking forward to. I honestly was kind of dreading it and the pressure that came along with it. I’m an active, always moving type of person…so I had a lot of anxiety about breastfeeding and what it would mean for my lifestyle once the newborn bubble lifted and real life resumed. Trust me, these thoughts alone have made me feel like a selfish, bad mama – but it’s a BIG lifestyle change that I wasn’t sure how I’d jive with.
Well, as it turns out – I definitely don’t *hate* it as much as I thought I would, haha – but it’s definitely still something I take day-by-day. If I’ve learned anything, it’s that every day can be different when it comes to breastfeeding your baby. I consider myself very lucky when it comes to Charli…she’s been an amazing latcher since day one, has been gaining weight like a champ, and isn’t picky or particular when it comes to being fed from the bottle or boob. She has made this journey pretty dang easy for us, and I am so incredibly grateful for that. I’ve talked with so many mamas who face challenge after challenge when it comes to breastfeeding – and my heart is WITH you! Trust me, we’ve had challenges of our own (helllooooo clogged ducts!)…but nothing we haven’t been able to power through.
I’m not sure how long we’ll keep at it – I truly had no expectations and still don’t. I’m not setting any goals or milestones because again, we are just taking it day by day. When the time comes for us to transition to formula, I know that in that moment, that’s what will be best for Charli & I. I am a true believer in FED IS BEST – and it doesn’t matter how you feed your baby, as long as you are BOTH happy and healthy.
Today I’m sharing some of the products that have made my breastfeeding journey easier & more comfortable. All of the things when it comes to breastfeeding, pumping & bottle feeding. We did decide to incorporate a bottle with pumped breastmilk the week we got home, so Nick could help with feedings, I could get a break & so she would be familiar with a bottle when got back to being on-the-go. Below are some of the things that have made my experience much more enjoyable, and I hope they can do the same for you, mama! xoxo

Spectra S1 Breastpump // I would say this is my “primary” pump – this is the first pump that I used after coming home from the hospital. It’s hospital-grade and great for the early days when your supply isn’t fully regulated or a little inconsistent! I have had zero issues with this pump – it’s great! It’s chargeable, so you don’t need to have the base plugged into an outlet which is nice. I highly recommend getting extra pump parts (flanges, valves, duckbills, etc) – so you have to do less washing in-between pumping sessions. Keep in mind this pump does have tubing, so in order to be hands-free, you need to have a hands-free pumping bra! Also – I actually got this pump covered through insurance using this website!
Spectra Wearable Milk Collection Caracups // This is a wearable, more convenient option for my Spectra pump! These little cups fit into your bra. You still have to be hooked up to the base via tubing, but it’s nice to not have to change bras or have the big bottles hanging. It’s definitely more comfortable + convenient!
Lanolin Nipple Cream // I’ve tried all of the nipple creams and always find myself coming back to this one. For me, this one heals + soothes the quickest!
Silverette Silver Nursing Cups // These are WORTH THE HYPE! I used these in the hospital & have been sleeping in them every night ever since. The silver has special healing properties and let me tell ya, it’s like magic! I’ll put a layer of lanolin cream on & these cups overtop before bed, and every morning they feel soothed, moisturized & healed.
Hands-Free Pumping Bra // My favorite hands-free pumping bra to wear when I’m pumping with the Spectra S1 breast pump! It keeps the flanges in place & is comfortable.
Cloth Caddy // I have two of these – one for each of my pumps + all of the accessories. It’s a great way to stay organized and super convenient to move around the house depending on where I’m pumping!
Haakaa Manual Silicone Breast Pump // This is hands-down, one one breastfeeding item I could NOT live without. It’s the best invention ever! It’s a silicone suction cup that you can suction to the boob that isn’t nursing, and collects the letdown milk. I was shocked at how much I would get from one nursing session. I’ve used this milk to build bottles & my freezer supply – truly life-saving! This is also great to use if you have to work through a clogged duct.
Medela Breast Milk Storage Bags // These are the freezer storage bags I use. They are durable, have a great label area & have a very strong seal.
Willow Wearable Electric Breast Pump // I knew that with our on-the-go lifestyle that I needed to invest in a wearable pump. I decided to go with the Willow based on some recommendations from my girlfriends. It really is as convenient as everyone says, thats for sure! It’s definitely not as strong as my Spectra pump, but it gets the job done. If I could do it over again, I probably would have gone with the Willow Go pumps, which are a bit smaller. The Willow wearables I bought are a little bulky and definitely not subtle. I could never wear these in public, lol! So just know that, before you buy. It’s hard to even hide these pumps underneath a bra or shirt. But it is very convenient for wearing around the house while getting things done.
Willow Pump Reusable Milk Containers // I opened to use these plastic reusable containers vs. the plastic bags. Way less of a mess, and I don’t really love the bags!
Sunflower Lecithin // I placed an emergency Amazon prime order for a bottle of these when I got my first clogged duct. Now, I take these on the daily to help prevent any future clogged ducts or engorgement and so far, so good!
Liquid Gold // I take these everyday to help boost & maintain my supply!
Momcozy Seamless Nursing Bra // My favorite bra for nursing that is actually cute and doesn’t SCREAM “nursing bra” – it’s comfortable, supportive, lifting & is actually pretty cute!
Boppy Nursing Pillow // I’ve used this since day 1 in the hospital. This is my favorite way to support my arms/back or Charli during nursing sessions.
Medela Breast Milk Cooler + Transport Set // I haven’t used this yet but plan to when we travel! The reviews are great and I’ll definitely be needing this when we are on-the-go.