A few months back, I posted a blog post with all of the baby registry recommendations from the seasoned mamas in our community – and WOW, what a massive help it was to me & so many other expecting mamas building out their registry! Now that we are just a couple months out from our baby girl’s arrival…our registry is built & things are arriving at the house and it’s so exciting!
Now that our registry is out for our friends + family, I thought it would be fun & hopefully useful to share some of the items we included! It was *definitely* overwhelming building out are registry – now a days, there are SO many options for every little thing. A huge help + relief for me was reminding myself that every mama is different, every baby is different – and the truth of the matter is…our daughter may not take to a lot of the things we have her…and that’s okay! (that’s what a good return policy + Facebook marketplace are for, lol!). So I didn’t stress myself out *too* much about getting everything perfectly perfect.
Nick & I decided to purchase some of the bigger, investment items on our own (like the Snoo, stroller, etc.) – but I did include those so you can see what we ended up selecting! There are also lots of items that I chose to keep off the registry & save for ourselves to buy – like a lot of clothing, pacifiers, nursing supplies, etc. – just because we really won’t know what she’ll like/dislike until she’s here and I didn’t want to commit to one brand or item before we know for sure what she takes to. Once I have some experience under my belt, I promise to share some of those items that me & baby girl end up loving!
So, here are the things we included on our registry! Remember I’m not sharing these from experience…just from preference & research for now! As always, everything is linked down below. I hope this helps! xo

Snoo Smart Baby Sleeper + Bassinet // they have a 20% military discount, too!
UPPAbaby VISTA V2 Stroller
Maxi-Cosi-6-in-1 Minla High Chair
BABYBJORN Baby Carrier
Munchkin Bluetooth Enabled Baby Swing
Skip Hop Explore & More 3-Stage Activity Center
UPPAbaby MESA Infant Car Seat
BABYBJORN Baby Bouncer
Inglesina Fast Table Chair
4Moms Breeze Plus Pack + Play

Hatch Rest Sound Machine + Night Light
Snuggle Me Organic Infant Lounger
Skip Hop x PBK Activity Gym
Canopy Humidifier
Oilo Studio Flynn Recliner Swivel Glider
Nanit iPro Smart Baby Monitor + Floor Stand
Hatch Grow Smart Changing Pad + Scale
Bobby Infant Support Pillow
Pottery Barn Changing Pad Insert + Cover
Newton Baby Breathable Crib Mattress
Ubbi Steel Diaper Pail

Dreambaby Room & Bath Thermometer
Munchkin Learn Bath Letters & Numbers Set
Baby Bathtub Seat
Faux Fur Baby Hooded Towel
Munchkin Wild Animal Bath Toy Skirts
Burts Bees Baby Organic Washcloths
Skip Hop Moby Smart Sling 3-Stage Bath Tub
FridaBaby Infant Hairbrush
Skip Hop Moby Waterfall Bath Rinser
Munchkin High’n Dry Corner Bath Toy Organizer
Tubby Todd Newborn Set
Munchkin Bath Beats Musical Bath Toy Set

Baby Brezza Formula Pro Adanced
Phillips Avent Fast Baby Bottle Warmer
Burt’s Bees Baby Burp Cloths
My Breast Friend Deluxe Nursing Pillow
Baby Brezza One Step Sterilizer Dryer
Bumbo Multi Seat
Maxi Cosi Minla 6-in-1 Adjustable High Chair
Boon Lawn Countertop Drying Rack

Fisher Price On-The-Go Baby Dome
GUND Baby Animated Flappy Elephant
Nanit Multi-Stand Travel Mount
Kyte Baby Car Seat Cover
Wubbanub Pacifier
Babybjorn Soft Toy Bar For Bouncer
DockATot Deluxe+ Dock
Skip Hop Style Backseat Mirror
Skip Hop Shopping Cart Cover
Baby Shusher Soother
Baby K’Tan Baby Wrap Carrier